(+27) 043-726-2222

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All our perfumes/fragrances are long lasting on the skin and have a refined quality nose.

We have asked our customers to please be careful of brand confusion and the flood of diluted copies in the market place. They have proven to be inferior and lack the lasting quality that ours are renowned for. Please remember, if it does not say Orderite or Cupidolls on the bottle, it's a copy!!!

Our name and the quality of our perfume is our integrity.

How concentrated is concentrate and super concentrate?

Orderite's Super Concentrate is on average 300% more concentrate than the better French cologne's.
In order of concentration
(weakest to strongest)

5 Cologne
4 Eau de Toilette
3 Perfume
2 Concentrated Perfume (CWP)
1 Super Concentrated Perfume (SCP)

How long will it last on the average person?

If you have a normal skin type, and apply the perfume after a bath, it will last approximately 6-12 hours. High acid levels in the skin (low ph) will degrade a perfume faster.

Our perfumes contain NO water.

Our fragrances are a combination of natural ingredients that come together to form the olfactive profile for each one. We use no water and each batch is measured out to ensure consistency is our product. We have strict measures in place to control the factors we can, as with our perfumes being made up of mostly natural ingredients and being applied to varied surfaces, different skin types and environments, there can be some fluctuation in the different tones, and in some cases the color.

There is a multitude of environmental and physiological factors as to why fragrances may not last as long for or on a person. Of the many reasons, they usually are one or a combination of the below.

Influencing factors on perfumes
• Medication

Certain medications affect the basal metabolic rate and or the acidity of the natural secretions of your skin.

• Age (Menopause)

As we all age, our body and skin composition (especially acidity) change. That's often why a fragrance that smelt great on you or that you enjoyed in your youth may smell completely different today.

• Smoking

It's a fact that smokers' senses of smell degrade and change as they age.

• Climate

Moving to or from a climate with different humidity and temperature levels significantly affect fragrances on different people.

• Seasonal Change

Fragrances smell stronger in summer and last longer in winter for many reasons.

• Climate Change

As the base level of temperature in the world increases, it affects fragrances, as explained above.

• International Essential Oil Laws and Regulations

Very often, laws change that affect a specific component of the essential oils that we use and, therefore, the raw material product that we receive from our suppliers. We have had to discontinue certain fragrances because they have changed so significantly. It is beyond our control.

• International Crop Yields

Essential oils are reliant on the quality of the raw material crops reaped in that year. This is also beyond our control.

• Age of the Perfume itself

Almost all perfume oils become sweeter and stickier as the denatured ethanol alcohol evaporates and the oxygen ages and sweetens the oils. The same can happen if it stands in heat or sunlight (on a windowsill, etc.) for some time. That is why we use a strict FIFO (First In, First Out) stock control system and highly regulate the temperature of our store rooms to well below room temperature.

• Covid-19 and the Pandemic in General

In the last year, we have come across 3 customers and 1 extended family member that, for some unknown reason, cannot smell one or two of our fragrances at all. In our research, we have found that they all had Covid-19 at some stage. In further research, we have found that other perfume companies have noticed the same occurrences amongst a very small percentage of their customers also. Without proper clinical studies to rely on, we can only assume that the extra stress we all carry because of the pandemic, added with related medication and/or possibly having had one of the variants of the virus. This is not an excuse in any way, it is just an observation which we have noticed in significantly less than 1% of our customers.

• Skin type

All skins react differently. You'll get the softest, most fleeting effect if you apply the fragrance to areas where the skin is dry.

• Sweat

Applying it to areas where sweat glands are located will give the fragrance a strong, musky aroma.

• Oily skin

Fragrances last longer on oily skin, and perfume may smell more potent if you've been eating spicy or fatty foods.

• Altitude

Altitude also plays a role in the potency and longevity of perfume. High up in the mountains, you would have to apply perfume more often or choose a stronger concentration.

• Estrogen

Estrogen also effects your sense of smell later in life. During ovulation you smell is keenest, and during menstruation, it's weakest. After menopause it starts to taper off.

The most important factor when choosing a perfume seems to be your age.

Tastes change as one gets older. Girls first show an interest in perfume when they reach puberty. Their heightened sense of smell is brought about by the increased production of the female hormone, estrogen.

For nostalgic reasons some buy the same fragrance all the time, or a fragrance that they wore as teenagers. This generally leads to disappointment, as the fragrance has "changed" since they last wore it. They are usually convinced that the composition of the perfume has been changed, but it's really their sense of smell that has become more refined.

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